The San Francisco Writers Conference will be held on  July 21–24, 2022.

Welcome to all returning volunteers and all new volunteers.

These are the requirements to become a volunteer.

1. You must commit to two days of your time.

Full days, not one and a half days or two half days.

Pick two days, Thursday-Sunday and plan on being with us as a volunteer all day.

When you are not assigned a job, you may attend other sessions and events.

Volunteers are not allowed to participate in Speed Dating and Agent Conversations.
Those are paid events that are only for attendees.

2. You must attend the volunteer meeting.

The date for the 2022 July conference volunteer meeting is July 20th the Hyatt at 2:00 p.m.
If you live out of state, you can make Zoom meeting arrangements with the Volunteer Coordinator, Amanda Clay.

3. The volunteer schedule will be online to review 2 weeks before the conference.

There are always changes, and it will be changing right up until the week of the conference.
Not dramatically but it will change.

4. The final requirement is you must fill out and submit the assignment confirmation form when it is sent out.

This form will be sent to you via email about 5-6 days before the conference.

You will check every day on the schedule, even if you do not think you signed up for it, and then you write down your assignments on the form and submit it online.

Thank you,

Amanda Clay, Volunteer Coordinator

Linda Lee, Volunteer Director

Venkat Raman, Technical Coordinator

If you can join us, please sign up here.